we are

Your favorite process oriented company is back for our second season.

artists that defy convention

our mission:

Divine Riot is a process driven, actor-led organization making theatre and
film to challenge convention

We’re making the creative process tangible and attainable for artists and audiences alike.

Our goal is shared, raw human catharsis.

Ok, but what do you do?

  • Long rehearsal periods, studying and presenting single roles over multiple years, devised work, several actors playing the same role; we’re refocusing on the artistic process of theatrical acting and treating every performance like a rehearsal. We’re exploring new ways we can take risks in our work, and how making mistakes is an oft-overlooked step to artistic greatness. You can see our past productions here!

  • We’re encouraging writers of all levels to remain process oriented and un-rushed by providing a bi-monthly opportunity to work a small section (15 pages or less) of their writing up on its feet with our actors. We believe by providing the resources to make art slowly, we are making not only great art but fermenting a vibrant artistic community. Submit yourwork by e-mailing outreach@divineriot.org.

  • We have much to come, including short films, open rehearsals, multi-media projects and more. To stay up to date, you should join our e-mail list.

We are proud artistic partners of Healing TREE !

Healing TREE (Trauma Resources, Education & Entertainment) advocates healing from abuse and trauma rather than coping with the symptoms, in order to transform lives and, ultimately, society. We achieve this by providing trauma-focused resources and education and by producing and partnering with relevant film, television, and theatre, empowering the social change necessary to create a healing movement.

For more information about healing trauma visit: https://healingtreenonprofit.org/

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